"Druseia Kari"
The above coordinates are for suitable parking
This cache is the "EARTH" element part of the Paphos Elements
series. To find this cache you must first find the 2 regular “Earth
caches” that each contains part of the coordinates to this one. The
Paphos Elements series consists of 15 caches divided into 8 regular
ones leading to 4 element caches which in turn lead to 2
sub-caches. Once you have found the 2 sub-caches, you will know the
coordinates for the "FINAL" cache.
The locals call this geological outcrop "Kari". The name could
have its roots in the word kranos = helmet because it is said to
resemble a helmeted man looking out over the plain. It is also
known as Eagle Rock. Whatever you call it, this is a fascinating
Below is a guide to how the caches connect.