Moadal Crash Site Cache Traditional Cache
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This cache is located on the top of Moadal in Northton on the Isle of Harris, Scotland. It is a moderate climb up but rewards you with great views of area and surrounding isles. There is a monument at the top dedicated to those who lost their lives in the plane crash along with one or two pieces of the plane wreckage.
As I no longer visit the Isle of Harris, I'm asking fellow geocachers to help maintain the cache for me. Please check the most recent logs to see if any maintenance is required. Thanks & enjoy! Crash History: On Monday the April 30, 1990 the usually sleepy village of Northton, Isle of Harris was covered in a deep mist. Not much of the area was visible to the naked eye, certainly not the hillside opposite (Moadal). Most people were inside their homes as it was near lunchtime when the familiar sound of the Avro Shackleton flying overhead was heard. Within seconds the whole village of Northton was shaken fiercely with a loud explosion nearby. Sadly the aircraft had clipped the top of Moadal and instantly exploded. The power of the explosion shook houses even up at the other end of the village. Indeed several people thought that part of their building had collapsed. Dr. Naylor was the recently appointed G.P. for the area and this was one of his first emergency call outs. Everyone worked together to race to the scene but sadly the 10 aircraft men were dead almost instantly and nothing could be done to save them. Although the aircraft could be considered old (first flown in 1954) it had been well serviced throughout it's history (the Shackleton was based in Lossiemouth prior to the crash). The flightpath was a familiar one so the only contributing factor would have been the bad weather but it is not known what caused the aircraft to crash into the hillside - the aircraft did not carry a "black box" flight recorder.
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Ba gur rnfg fvqr bs uvyy orybj gur pnvea.