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placed by INVADER used by MnO2
Invasion: Sucessful
Space Invaders: 24
Score: 420 Points
Invader (born1969) is a street artist who creates mosaics of characters from and inspired by the Space Invaders game. He started his project in 1998 with the invasion of Paris - the city where he lives and the most invaded city to date - and then spread the invasion to cities around the world. Among other cities Los Angeles, New York City, London, Manchester, Tokyo, Melbourne, Vienna, Bilbao, Bangkok, Ljubljana, Barcelona, Katmandu and even Mombasa have benn invaded. One of the more prominent places where the mosaics have been installed is on the Hollywood Sign. The first was placed on the letter "D" of the " Hollywood sign" on December 31, 1999. During further trips to Los Angeles, Invader has placed mosaics on other letters of the sign. Even Cologne has been invaded. It was the 38th invaded city. The first invaders were seen in cologne in 2006 and they spread out in 2007 within the scope of an exhibition in the gallery Joellenbeck. In total 24 invaders have invaded in cologne. Most of them were able to keep the places they actually hold. However some (5) of them have been vanished due to refurbishment or other 'cleaning' interventions.
Your job is to visit all remaining invaders in cologne city centre. To find the final location (cachebox) have a closer look at the surrounding of the invaders and assign the invaders (KLN 1 - KLN 24, page 1) to the photographs (page 2). Finally you will be able to fill the matrix on page 3. Have fun, relax and enjoy Cologne. But be careful ! You will be addicted !

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Cyna lbhe gevc, gung lbh svavfu arne gur pngurqeny. Orfg nccebnpu vf: sebz JRFG gb RNFG.