The DRFC is one of the few places in Qatar where alcohol is served
[not during the Holy Month of Ramadan] and is a private
organization. However, on most Thursday evenings and Friday
afternoons you can find the ex-pat community supporting the local
rugby players defending their honour on the pitch. Non-members are
then welcome to watch [for a nominal entrance fee] and participate
in the festivities of a rugby match.

Often matches are arranged on an ad hoc basis when there is a
visiting naval ship in port - especially one of the Royal navy.
Rugby and cricket matches are then arranged between the crew and
Doha sports supporters. generally these encounters are continued
until the wee hours of the morning!
DRFC is one of the oldest sports organizations in Qatar and more
details are available at
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FTF goes to mrunte

Whfg nabgure ubyr va gur jnyy. Ybbx ng rlr yriry.