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Zidovska synagoga - Jewish synagogue Traditional Cache

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Geocache Description:


Židovská náboženská obec Prešov
Koncom 18. storocia sa v meste usadil prvý Žid - Marcus Holländer. Po získaní meštianskych práv daroval mestu Neptúnovu fontánu, ktorá stojí na námestí v parku a je dnes jednou z dominánt mesta.
Prvá náboženská obec bola založená v roku 1830, prvú synagógu nechala obec postavit v rokoch 1848/49. Od roku 1871 boli v meste dve obce- neologická a ortodoxná. Postupne pribudli dalšie inštitúcie, ktoré slúžili náboženskému, kultúrnemu a obcianskemu životu Židov v Prešove. Slubný rozvoj obcí bol prerušený v case II. sv. vojny. Z Prešova a okolia našlo smrt v koncentracných táboroch viac ako 6000 tisíc osôb.
Tí , ktorí prežili a po vojne sa vrátili do Prešova, obnovili náboženský život obce ale mnohí z nich následne volili život v emigrácii .Vedenie obce v novej spolocenskej situácii, hlavne po roku 1948 muselo riešit mnohé problémy, ktoré casto súviseli s prežitím obce.

Múzeum - expozícia judaík
Židovské múzeum v Prešove vzniklo roku 1928 ako prvá špecializovaná inštitúcia svojho druhu. Zakladatelmi a nadšenými zberatelmi boli Ing. R. Bárkány a Judr. T.Austerlitz.
Múzeum bolo umiestnené v casti mestského opevnenia "Kumšt" a existovalo do roku 1939, zbierka prežila vojnu, ale po vojne bol zberatel prinútený ponúknut ju Židovskému múzeu v Prahe. V roku 1993 bola vrátená do Prešova, pricom patrí do správy Slovenského národného múzea, Múzeum židovskej kultúry v Bratislave. Dnes je zbierka inštalovaná v tzv. ženskej galérii synagógy a caká na svojich návštevníkov. Zbierka je jedinecná a originálna, dokumentuje život, zvyky a tradície jednej pocetnej skupiny ludí, ktorí sa podielali na rozvoji mesta a tvorili jeho históriu

Otváracie hodiny:
Utorok- streda: 11.00-15.00
Štvrtok- piatok: 9.00-13.00
Nedela: 14.00-16.00

The Jewish religious community Prešov
At the end of the 18th century the first Jew – Marcus Holländer settled down in Prešov. Even though he acted in accordance with new laws, the town Council and the Trade Guild protested against his presence in the city. Nevertheless, their protest was ineffective against Holländer‘s contacts and fortune and so Marcus Holländer stayed in Prešov. To show his gratitude to the city, Marcus Holländer paid for the construction of the beautiful Neptun’s fountain built in the town centre. The first religious community was founded in 1830, the first synagogue was built in years 1848/49. In 1871 the community split up into the neological and orthodox ones. Step by step new institutions were founded to develop the religious, cultural and civil life of Jews in Prešov. The dynamic development of the community in the city was stopped by tragic events of World War II. From Prešov and its neighborhood was transported more than 6,000 Jews into concentration camps.
Those who survived the war tried to re-establish the religious life in the city but many of them emigrated. The establishment of the community faced a lot of difficult situations caused by the change in the society in 1948.

The Jewish museum in Prešov was founded in 1928 as the first specilaized institution of this kind. The founders and devoted collectors were Ing. R. Bárkány and Judr. T.Austerlitz. The museum was located in a part of the old bastillion called Kumšt. It existed till 1939, the collection survived the war but after it, the collection was transferred to the Jewish Museum in Prague. In 1993 it returned to Prešov and it falls under the administration of the Slovak National museum, Department of Jewish Culture. The unique collection has been placed in the women’s gallery. It illustrates the life and traditions of Jews in Eastern part of Slovakia.

Office hours:
Tuesday- Wednesday: 11.00-15.00
Thursday- Friday: 9.00-13.00
Sunday: 14.00-16.00

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

RKCBMÍPVN WHQNÍX MB MOVREXL R. OÁEXÁALUB / R. Onexnal pbyyrpgvba bs Whqnvpn

Decryption Key


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