Stefanicka 1740 Traditional Cache
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Táto vysokohorská chata (1740 m) je jednou z hlavných
križovatiek znackovaných chodníkov na hrebeni Nízkych Tatier.
Pešo sa dá k nej dostat od chaty Kosodrevina, z
Trangošky, z Vyšnej Boce aj z Mýta pod Dumbierom ci z
Základný kamen chaty M. R. Štefánika pod Dumbierom bol
položený 20.7.1924. Táto chata mala nahradit útulnu, ktorá
bola postavená na vrchole Dumbiera v roku 1902. Útulnu nazvali
Karlova ochranná chata ale dnes je to už len hrba
Chatu zacala stavat stavebná firma z Uherského Brodu, ale
tažké poveternostné podmienky ich coskoro odohnali domov. V
stavbe pokracovala firma Šašinka z Popradu, v ktorej
bol palier Róbert Petrla. Tejto firme sa po troch rokoch
tažkej práce podarilo chatu dokoncit a 9.9.1928 sa mohla
slávnostne otvorit.
Prvým chatárom sa stal palier Róbert Petrla, ktorý si zo svojich
spolupracovníkov vytvoril personál. Tak sa zo dna na den z murárov
stali kuchári, cašníci a nosici.
Materiál vynášali hore Jánskou dolinou a za 1 kg sa platilo
1 korunu. Pre zaujímavost pivo stálo na chate 5 korún. Chata M. R.
Štefánika pod Dumbierom sa stala základom, na ktorom sa
postupne budoval turistický ruch v tejto casti Nízkych
V priestore Dumbiera pocas 2. svetovej vojny operovali slovenské,
ruské a francúzske partizánske skupiny a tak, táto pocas vojny
poškodená chata, bola po vojne premenovaná na Chatu Hrdinov
SNP na Dumbieri. V súcasnosti má pôvodné pomenovanie Chata generála
Milana Rastislava Štefánika.
V súcasnosti je chata majetkom Klubu Slovenských turistov a
terajší chatár ju prevádzkuje od roku 1991.
* Materiál a tovar na prevádzku chaty vynášajú nosici. Rocne
to je cca 40000 kg.
* Ponúkame najvyššie capované nosicské pivo na
strednom Slovensku.
* Niekolkokrát sa na chate konali preteky nosicov Šerpa
Rallye a najrýchlejší vyšiel z Trangošky so 60
kg za 55 minút, pricom cas na turistickom smerovníku je 120
* Pod chatou sa nachádza jedna z najhlbších jaskýn na
Slovensku - Jaskyna mrtvych netopierov. Táto jaskyna je
sprístupnená turistom.
* Letné a zimné túry.
* Hrebenové prechody.
* Horolezectvo, skialpinizmus, snowboarding, lyžovanie.
* Jaskyniarstvo.
* Športové sústredenia.
* Školské výlety. Info:
This alpine hut is one of the main crossing of the Low Tatras
ridge marked paths. You can reach it by foot from Kosodrevina
lodge, Trnagoska, Vysna Boca, Myto pod Dumbierom or from Certovica
Foundation stone of the hut was laid 20th July 1924. This hut
should take the place of the shelter built on the summit of Dumbier
in 1902. The shelter was named as "Charles protecting hut" but
today it is only load of stones.
Building of hut started a company from Uherský Brod, but very hard
weather conditions drived them away home. After that a
Šašinka company from Poprad leaded by Róbert Petrla
continued to build the hut. This company succeeded to finish it
after three-year tough work and on 9th September 1928 the hut could
be festively opened.
First cottager became Róbert Petrla, who created also own personal
from his co-workers. In that manner from the masons became the
cooks, waiters and bearers.
Material was carried up through Jánska valley and 1 slovak crown
was paid for 1 kilo of load. Just for curiosity one beer cost 5
slovak crowns at those times. M. R. Štefánik hut under
Dumbier became a basis for tourism movement in Low Tatras
In Dumbier territory, in time Second World War the Slovak, Russian,
French partizans groups operated and this hut damaged during the
war was later re-named to "Slovak National Rebellion Heroes Hut" at
Dumbier. Today the hut has an origin name "Milan Rastislav
Štefánik Hut".
The owner of hut is Slovak Tourist Club and present cottager run it
since 1991.
* Material and goods is carried up by bearers, it is about 4
thousands kilos per year.
* Hut offers the highest draught carrier beer in Centre of
* Several times the "bearers races" were organized at this hut
known as "Sherpa Rallye and the fastest competitor steped out from
Trangoška with a load 60 kilos in time 55 minutes, whereby
official touristic time is 120 minutes.
* Below the hut is one of the deepest caves in Slovakia - "Cave of
dead bats". This cave is available for tourists.
* Summer and winter tourist trips.
* Ridge passing.
* Mountaineering, Horolezectvo, skialpinismus, snowboarding,
* Speleology.
* Sport concentration training.
* School trips.
Additional Hints
FX: cbq xnzrabz
RA: haqre ebpx