Potato Chips and Cola
The cache is not located at the above coordinates !!
Health Warning:
This cache may be unsuited to those on weight loss programmes or organic diets. It contains artificial flavours and sweeteners.
Finding the cache involves two of mankind's favourite food groups and requires no strenuous walking or climbing.
(That is unless you wish to continue your search for other nearby caches after finding this tempting morsel.)
I was sitting around in front of the telly yesterday afternoon indulging in potato chips and cola.
During a commercial break my mind wandered and I found myself reading the ingredient lists on said snacks.
I almost wish I hadn’t !
Potato Chip ingredients: Potatoes
Turmeric (colour)
Magnesium Glutamate (flavour enhancer)
Sodium nitrite (preservative, colour fixative)
Carob bean gum (thickener, stabiliser)
Cola ingredients: Carbonated Water
Lactic Acid (acidity regulator)
Sorbic acid (preservative)
Zinc Acetate
A sudden urge to get out of the house and get some fresh air overcame me.
Those ingredients were trying to tell me something….
“ Get off your backside and discover a lost land of potato chip and cola manufacture” they said.
I also noticed they were somehow telling me where I should head to find this lightly fried, lightly carbonated paradise.
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