A car cache 4U Traditional Cache
clueless in qualicum: I can't get over there right now to do maintenance and the last four finders didn't add a new log so it's time for this one to go. If the next person to find it picks it up they are welcome to log it as found. Otherwise I'll pick it up when I'm next over there, but it'll be months!
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Placed as part of 2008 Hide and Go caches.
Best access is to park at the gate on Greig Rd.
Cache is a 1lb Folger coffee container,covered with black duct tape,and wrapped in a black garbage bag.At time of placing it contained a few cars,a TB,as well as log book,pencil and sharpener.
These trails are amazingly well travelled by dogs and their walkers,and bikers,so be stealthy please.
*****August 2008:For now,no trackables in this cache,just in case they are "walking."
Additional Hints
haqre n ybt.