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Are you a Woos? ( A puzzle cache for the clueless) Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Team Crime Scene: This ones a goner. Look for it to reemerge as something completely different.

Hidden : 1/21/2008
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:


The Listed Coordinates Are Good For Nothing


(If You Are Bush-Whacking ... Call For Help ... Because You Are Really Really Lost)


The First To Find (FTF) Is

A big Congratulations

goes out to



The First To Not Find (DNF) Is: ??? ( Is someone really going to claim this honor? )

Much Thanks to Drooling_Mongoloid for letting me plagiarize his cache


Many GeoCachers Refuse To Do Puzzle-Caches Because:

(a) They Think That The Puzzles Are Too Hard To Solve.

(b) They Know That They Are Not Bright Enough To Figure Them Out.

(c) Both "a" and "b".

(f) Tilt, Tilt, Tilt.


Well, If You Fit Descriptions "a", "b", "c" or Maybe Even An "f", Then You Are In Luck. I Have Lowered The Intellectual Bar To Such An Extreme Level, That Even The Totally Perplexed should be able to log a find.


This Puzzle-Cache Is Dedicated To All The GeoCachers Who's Problem Solving Skills...Totally Suck.


After many long hours of thoughtless thoughts trying to find a way to include the Bewildered in another aspect of GeoCaching, I believe that I have finally created the perfect Puzzle-Cache that can be solved by both...the Puzzle Experts and the Neuron Depleted...In About The Same Amount Of Time.

Don't let this Puzzle scare you. You can solve it in the comfort of your own home, taking as much time as needed...Days, Months or even Years. No one outside your little world will ever know that you are totally Clueless, Confused or Downright Dense.


How To Play:

When you have built up enough courage to play, click on the “I Ain't No Woos, I Wanna Play ” link. A small video of the area where the Cache is located will display. Your mission is to visually scan that video for the clues, Identify the area, Get the coordinates, Go locate the Cache and Log your find. It should take the average person under 60 seconds to solve this puzzle.

You can check your coordinates on

Please, No Emails For Hints Unless You Have Exhausted All Other Means.

In Case You Don't Find The Cache, You Are Allowed To Call A Friend For Help.

Be Sure to bring something to sign the log with...just in case the one in the Cache is missing or broken.

Ok, Are You Ready? Take a Deep Breath And Click On The "I Ain't No Woos, I Wanna Play" Link To Display The Puzzle.

I Ain't No Woos, I Wanna Play


Logging The Find:

Be Sure To mention if you had any problems solving the Cache, If there wern't enough clues...etc.

Feel free to post Hints, Spoiler Pictures of Ground Zero and the Cache Container to help the next Oblivious GeoCacher.



This Puzzle-Cache is active and out there right now. It is waiting for you to find it. It keeps showing up in your searches and Mocks you. You know you want to solve it and log it. What Is Your Excuse?


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cre Heona Qvpgvbanel: Jbbf = fbzrbar jub vf n jvzc; nsenvq gb qb fbzrguvat gung ur/fur fubhyq qb

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)