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Utah County Townships Mystery Cache

Hidden : 10/11/2007
5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Here is a bit more winter friendly challenge for you to work on.

The Challenge:
1- To learn and understand what townships, ranges, sections, and quarter sections are. (how to identify them, and how to convert them to GPS coordinates).
2- To find a cache in each township in Utah County.*

A little Background:
Before the days of GPS technology many locations were identified based on townships and ranges, and the section in that township.
Up until the last few years cave locations were described in tech notes down to the 1/16 or if we were lucky 1/64 of a township. Looking at old tech-notes and relocating "forgotten" caves is where I learned the techniques. This challenge will help you learn these techniques.

A township is in theory a 6 mile by 6 mile grid. There are many many exceptions to this rule, but in general that is the case. Each township is comprised of 36 sections, each section being roughly one square mile. To further define an exact location sections are quartered multiple times down the accuracy needed.

Some Useful Links

The rules:
-You must find an existing cache placed in each of the townships in Utah county. (That currently has a cache.)*
-You must identify the 1/16 section the cache is in. (xx1/4,xx1/4,Sxx,TxxRxx)
-To avoid "dumping" of caches, only caches published prior to October 12 2007 will count.(unless the only caches in that township were placed after 10-12-2007)

*If there is not an existing cache in a township simply mark it as NA in your list. (you can always look at others lists to help as well)
-For Townships that overlap the county line, only the protion of the township in Utah county qualifies.
-For Utah County previous finds DO count,(the challenge is finding the coordinates for the township boundaries, then identifying the caches in that township.)
-Caches you placed do NOT count.

How to participate:
-Create a list and update it as you work on the challenge. this can be in the form of a bookmark list, an offline list such as a spreadsheet, or a note on the cache page.
-Include in your list the date you found the cache, the section and township it is in, and the 1/16 section of the township.

And finally, find the final cache. It is in the Center of the S1/2,SW1/4,NE1/4,SE1/4,SW1/4,S20,T7SR1W.** (FYI that is a 10.3125' square.)
**You can convert this description to coordinates by marking it in a topo program ;(see the hint and/or the useful links above for instructions how), or if you are lucky you will probably be able to find something online that will convert it for you.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Svefg svaq Gbjafuvc 7F naq Enatr 1J, gura svaq Frpgvba 20, Abj znex gur Fbhgu Jrfg 1/4, gura znex gur FR 1/4 bs gur FJ 1/4, Gura znex gur AR1/4 bs gur FJ1/4 bs gur FR1/4, naq fb ba...

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)