Finding it will get you one smiley. Bring your camera for an
opportunity to earn an extra one.
I know several people who have learned to tie
knots while out kayaking or boating. Now is the time for you
to put that knowledge to use. On the outside of the cache
there is a cleat. On the inside of the cache there is a piece
of rope. To get a bonus smiley, you simply have to post a
picture of a knot tied around the cleat. Either a bowline or a
cleat knot will do. I will be the judge of whether or not you
have tied it correctly.
Please untie your knot when you are done and put the rope away
for the next cacher.
I don't have a clue how to get here by land, as I came by boat,
but I am pretty sure at least one of these trails goes to the
parking lot.
I have spoken with Suzanne Zarling, an LCRA land manager, about
Geocaching in general and have recieved permission to place a cache
on LCRA land.