Rock of Ages Traditional Cache
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A small container located a short walk from parking.
Gunter glieben glauchen globen! Maybe Def Leppard studied here? This is a traditional micro (35mm size) located on public property, a minor tourist attraction of sorts, in Colebrook, Connecticut. Cache is located at ground level, so snow could present a problem. Muggles likely will not be a problem except for one or two days out of the year. This cache is maintained with the help of a family member who lives quite close to the cache site. It was placed while we were visiting from Florida. We felt that this area of Conneticut needed more "park and grab" type micros! PLEASE NOTE: There is a Letterbox within a few feet of the cache location. If you find a plastic box with stamps in it -- that is NOT the cache. This is a micro! BYOP! Enjoy the hunt, and Rock on!
Additional Hints
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