Lillooet Jade Trail EarthCache
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The posted coordinates will take you the a local park at the entrance to the Lillooet museum.
At this location, you will see 4 very large pieces of local jade, that have been cut, polished, and mounted for display.
All 4 of these jade samples are from the area surrounding Lillooet. The original size of these samples range from a 20 ton boulder to a six ton boulder, before being cut.
This is one of the almost 30 sites in the town displaying samples of the local jade.
A map showing all of the locations of jade monuments in the town is available at the Lillooet museum.
Today, High Quality Jade is most often used for fine jewelry. Larger pieces are used for sculptures and table tops. Industrial quality material is used for making tiles.
Jade is the 12th, 30th and 35th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone. In the West, Jade is considered to be nature's tranquilizer, a stone which helps us to be more calm and relaxed. In Chinese Feng Shui jade is believed to have the power to bring you good luck, ward off evil spirits and keep demons away. Jade was adopted as B.C.’s official gemstone in 1968 through the Mineral Emblem Act.
Though many minerals use the term "jade" as part of their common names, true Jade comes in two groups.
Jadeitite is a rock that consists essentially of jadeite (sodium-rich, high-pressure pyroxene).
Nephrite consists of prismatic to acicular amphiboles of the tremolite-actinolite series forming bundles that are randomly oriented and interlocked. All of the known jade deposits in B.C. are of the nephrite variety.
To log this cache, you have 2 options:
1. email me the approximate height of the tallest piece of jade displayed at the posted coordinates.
2. post a photo of you at the posted coordinates with the jade visible.
Be sure to sign the guest book at the museum while visiting this site.
Regards, Team1337
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