The Button King! Traditional Cache
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Mr. Dalton Stevens lives near Bishopville, SC, and is known
throughout the World as "The Button King". This cache is placed in
honor of him and with his permission. Please take some time to look
in his museum, and if you're there on a Friday night around 7:00pm
there is Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel musicians. Please be
respectful of this property, and if Mr. Stevens comes out to meet
you say "Hi" and chat with him a bit, he's a great old fella. And
if you have some buttons with you, he'd be more than glad to take
them off your hands. Visit his website to learn more about him and
how he started with buttons, The Button
King Cache container is a small rubbermaid, please be careful
when opening and closing the lid (you will see when you find the
cache). Thanks and happy caching!! UPDATE: December 29, 2009: A
new container has been placed, the new container is now inside of a
"protective" container at the same coordinates. Please only use the
inner container (with buttons) as the cache container. Thanks!
Additional Hints
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