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L’octubre de 1998 es va tancar el Parc d’Atraccions de Montjuïc, ara s’ha convertit en els Jardins de Joan Brossa, deixant enrera el passat, en el qual, des de principi de segle i fins anys posteriors a la Guerra Civil, va acollir barraques, horts i instal•lacions militars. Actualment, els Jardins de Joan Brossa han donat lloc a un espai de 5,2 hectàrees de bosc mediterrani, s’ha volgut conservar, però, el caràcter lúdic i d’esbarjo, amb zones per a jocs i per l’experimentació sonora. Per trobar el tresor, haureu de passar per diferents punts i respondre una qüestió: N41 22.094 E2 09.968. Quantes fustes travesseres hi ha a les potes de la cadira del pallasso= A-1 N41 22.115 E2 09.984 Quina distància hi ha entre els telèfons? = B N41 22.141 E2 10.062 Quants coixinets musicals compteu? = C N41 22.158 E2 10.100 Quantes fonts veieu? = D N41 22.152 E2 10.160 Cerqueu la següent xifra 83. E10 N41 22.155 E2 10.180 Quants meridians metàl•lics veieu? = F Trobareu el tresor a: N41 22. (F+C) (C+E) E2 (B-C). (F+A+E) (F+D) COMPTE AMB ELS GEOMUGGLES!!! L’horari del parc és des de les 10 del matí fins el capvespre Transport: Autobús: 50, 55, 61, 193, Bus turístic ruta sud Funicular de Montjuïc Telefèric de Montjuïc In October of year 1998 the Fairground of Montjuïc was closed, afterwards has become the Gardens Joan Brossa. It has remained behind the most recent past, that of the fairground, and also the furthest past, that in which, since the beginning of century and until the back years to the Civil War, the zone accommodated shacks, vegetable gardens and military facilities. At present, the Gardens of Joan Brossa have caused a space of 5,2 hectares of Mediterranean forest, it has been wanted to preserve however, the character ludic and of amusement, with zones to the games and different sound instruments destined to the experimentation. To find the treasure, you will have to go to different points and to reply a question: N41 22.094 E2 09.968. How many wooden crossstretcher do you see on the legs of the clown chair? = A-1 N41 22.115 E2 09.984 How many metres are there between the telephones? = B N41 22.141 E2 10.062 . How many musical pillows we see in this place? = C N41 22.158 E2 10.100 How many fountains you see? = D N41 22.152 E2 10.160 Search following figure 83. E10 N41 22.155 E2 10.180 How many metallic meridians you see? = F You will find the treasure to: N41 22. (F+C) (C+E) E2 (B-C). (F+A+E) (F+D) ACCOUNT WITH THE GEOMUGGLES!!! Schedule of opening of the Gardens Joan Brossa. Of 10 of the morning in the evening. Footpath: Montjuïc funicular railway Montjuïc cable car Bus: 50, 55, 61, 193, Bus turístic ruta sud
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