Saturday Bike Ride 2 Virtual Cache
Size: (virtual)
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This is a Virtual Cache. Don't go looking for a cache, as there is none... for now.
Terrain is easy as it is on paved roads.
This is one of my favorite spots in Montreal. Depending on the time of day, you might get blown away by the view. There are people there almost all the time, so that is why it is not practical to put a cache there. However, I may be leaving a micro cache there in the future. That is it. Enjoy and please log your visits here.
Warning: Don't read the spoiler unless you want to spoil the surprise.
Additional Hints
Guvf vf gur pybfrfg lbh pna trg gb gur ynaqvat fgevc bs gur Zbagerny vagreangvbany nvecbeg. Cynarf syl bire lbh bayl n srj srrg bss gur tebhaq. Gnxr Pbgr Iregh Jrfg cnffvat bire uvtujnl 40 gb trg gurer.