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Squirrel Revival 2 Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

OReviewer: As there's been no response to my earlier note, I am forced to archive this listing.

If you wish to repair/replace the cache sometime in the future, just contact us (by email), and assuming it meets the guidelines, we'll be happy to unarchive it.

Hidden : 4/29/2007
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This is just like the 1st one just relocated it to a place with less muggles. It should be safe here.

Squirrel Revival was muggled so I archived it, but I liked it so much I took the time to replace it. But I placed it somewhere it should not get muggled. Squirrel Revival 2 is near a church, there is fishing (catch and release) close buy. No need to worry about parking there is plenty close by. When you get to the parking lot you will see the access area to the cache. It is a little path, with some light bush wacking. For those of you wo had a chance to get the 1st one please let me know what you think of this one.. It is worth being the FTF

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Abg ba gur tebhaq. Jurer jbhyq n Fdhveery arfg or???

Decryption Key


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