Far From Bondi Traditional Cache
inspicio: Archived as per previous note.
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This is my second cache hide and hopefully a little more challenging than the first.
The coordinates will have you at Sydney Beach, a nice little beach on the Ovens River. Sydney beach is a great spot to take the kids for a swim on a hot day as the water is not deep and take a picnic lunch. There are also a couple of other caches nearby.
The cache is a micro and although some people will find it relatively easy I'm hoping it will have others baffled for a little while at least. Please make sure it is put back in a way that others can retreive it again and let me know if the log sheet is getting full so I can replace it. BYO PEN.
Thanks very much Big Red Yetties for the help.
Additional Hints
Gnxr n frng naq unir n guvax nobhg vg.