Tankwa Traditional Cache
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Tankwa Karoo Natinal Park is situated in the middle of nowhere. However it is well worth the visit. Unfortunatly the only roads to and from this cache are long and dusty. The Tankwa Karoo Park is best known for it's birds and plants. There are various species of each that are only found in this part of the world. I'm sure that this place was discovered after Sutherland as the stars here are unbeliveable, and you have to see them to belive it. There is accommodation in the park. for further information contact the Park on (SA dialing codes) 027 341 1927 or contact the SANPARK offices, sonjadp@sanparks.org
Once you reach the Co-ordinates head into the office and ask the friendly staff for the cache. The cache is a purple pencil case with a pen, log book and small tradeable items.
Please drive safley and enjoy a very intresting part of our country.
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