Butte Line Traditional Cache
bishoptakesqueen: Construction has removed it's hiding place.
Size:  (small)
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Turnoff, park right next to it.
Small camoed tube
Additional Hints
Vs lbh unir orra pnpuvat sbe njuvyr, lbh jba'g arrq bar. Gurer vf na birefvmrq cvcr ba gur evtug fvqr bs gur tngr. Gnxr gur pnc bs (vg vf ynetr) naq gurer fubhyq or n jver ubbxrq bire gur cvcr ubyqvat gur pbagnvare. Vs vg vfa'g gurer yrg zr xabj naq V jvyy nepuvir vg.