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An Exception to the Rule - Burrington's Slopes Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

FollowMeChaps: Retrieved box which is no longer waterproof and log is sodden. I am truly amazed that such a large box so badly hidden in such a popular spot has lasted over 5 years. I will now archive this cache. RIP

Hidden : 2/24/2007
2 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

A regular cache placed for those number crunchers attending the Burrington Combe Bash event and those that subsequently follow. It involves a quick scramble part way up the East side of the combe - young children must be accompanied and closely supervised. Why not finish it off by climbing to the top?

I enjoy setting caches as much as finding them. To keep this illogical passion in check I try to limit my own to be either wheelchair accessible or, at the other extreme, off-road mini-adventures. The only ‘exception to the rule’ is when I set event caches, of which this is one. Consequently this is neither wheelchair accessible, nor is it what I would term an adventure. This is more one for those high numbers addicts in the geo community. That said, you are free to make of it what you want - I’m sure that an accidental slip on the slope where it is hidden could easily turn this into a full scale adventure, complete with ambulances, mountain rescue, et al. Please take extreme care!

If you are not from these parts please use this cache as a taster for the many other caches in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This is a gorgeous part of the country and if you continue upslope after finding the Tupperware you will be treated to some outstanding views. Indeed, GPS reception can be very bad in this steep sided combe so you may have to go to the top to pick up a good signal.

Recommended Start Because of the poor reception in the combe it is strongly recommended that you start by taking the track immediately behind the public loos by the recommended parking at N 51° 19.550 W 002° 45.167. You can go straight up from the Burrington Inn but the combination of combe and trees make this route far more challenging for your gps.

The cache is in a disguised 9 Litre lock top box which is larger than your average local container - don’t you just hate those small ones?! Please sign the log book and remember the geocaching guidance ‘Trade up or Even’ when trading items. If you are seeking this cache either on the day of the event or in high summer be particularly discreet as there may well be muggles around - indeed some of those muggles could be cachers and you don’t want to make it easy for them do you? There is also a herd of goats on this slope employed to keep the vegetation in check; though there is a malicious rumour that they don’t even get the minimum wage for this full-time all-weather job - scandalous! Don’t let your dog pick an argument with a mountain goat, he’s sure to come off worse!

Click here to see the topography of the area in

Please be aware that both snakes and ticks live in and around this combe. Of these the ticks are the ones to watch out for in the summer and autumn. Whilst ticks are not dangerous in themselves they can carry Lymes disease so you are advised to keep your arms and legs covered especially when brushing past bracken and other foliage – shorts are not recommended! For more information on this see the Lyme Disease Action advice

G:UK cache rating GAGB Cache Tag Image

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