NAAM Cache (Chimney Rock Red Trail) Traditional Cache
NAAM Cache (Chimney Rock Red Trail)
Size:  (small)
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Located in Washington Valey Park (Chimney Rock). Park in the Newman's Lane parking lot and follow the Red Trail Perimeter clockwise about half way around.
The cache is a food container with a white lid in a zip-lock bag. Inside is a small log book, a purple gel pen, a few travel bugs.
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Nccebnpu gur pnpur sebz gur rnfg naq ybbx sbe n ynetr ebpx cebghqvat sebz n uvyy nobhg 25 srrg gb gur yrsg bs gur genvy. Gur pnpur vf ng gur onfr bs gur ebpx oruvaq fznyyre fgbarf.