An inside look into Mega and Giga Events

Geocaching Mega-Events are happening all around the world. A Mega-Event connects hundreds or even thousands (Giga-Event) of adventurers from every level of geocaching. Those who walk into a Mega-Event step into adventure, family-friendly activities and, of course, all things geocaching. 

Whether you’re excited about finding your first geocache or you’ve already found each of the over 3 million caches hidden around the world*, attending a Mega-Event is sure to be fun. Here are 10 fun facts to give you and inside look into Mega and Giga-Events.

Fun facts about Mega and Giga-Events:

  1. The Mega-Event icon was first introduced on May 26, 2006.
  2. The first Mega-Event was GeoWoodstock 4 (GCRRC6) in Texas on May 27, 2006.
  3. The first international Mega-Event was the Geocaching Multi Event (GC10A6Q) in the Netherlands on April 14, 2007.
  4. The Giga-Event icon was first introduced on April 22, 2014.
  5. The first Giga-Event was Project MUNICH2014 (GC4K089) in Germany on August 16, 2014.
  6. There have been 465 Mega and Giga-Events.
  7. There have been 364,262 Attended logs on Mega and Giga-Events.
  8. We estimate geocachers have traveled a whopping 90,842,145 miles to attend Mega and Giga-Events around the world!
  9. Signal the Frog® ‘s first Mega-Event was Geowoodstock VIII (GC1QM7K) in Washington on July 2, 2010. 
  10. Geocaching HQ Lackeys have attended Mega and Giga-Events every year since they were introduced.

*Not humanly possible, but don’t let that stop you from trying.