The Letterboxing is similar to the geocaching except it uses clues instead of GPS technology to reveal the location of the letterbox. Inside a letterbox is a rubber stamp and the idea is you take a rubber stamp and logbook of your own and then stamp your stamp in the letterbox logbook and stamp the letterbox stamp in your book, thus creating your own collection of stamps.
This hybrid is just that, its part geocache part letterbox. You must solve the simple clues which you will find along the way to obtain the coordinates for the box. Inside you will find a logbook, ink pad, ink, rubber stamp – DO NOT TRADE THEM - and some standard items for trading. If you have a stamp of your own please stamp it in the logbook along with your log. If you do not have your own stamp, there is a black marker inside, you can design your own stamp image in the logbook – or just print your finger there.
In the letterboxing the stamps can be commercially made or hand made. Which to use is a personal and artistic choice, but the hand-made stamps are much more appreciated. In this letterbox hybrid you will find the hand-made stamp, carved by me from the eraser with an image appropriate to the location :) Feel free to stamp it into your book and add it to your collection (or just stamp it onto the paper, if you are not collecting the stamps)
If you want to find more informations about the letterboxing, visit
This hybrid geocache will show you the Deer Moat, the beautiful and calm area nearby the Prague castle . For more informations click here.
Your hunt begins at the coordinates at the top of the page.
Once you are there, you will see the path in the grass marked by the stones in the ground. Follow the path (on the right side there is a tramway line). When you will get to the small stairs, keep the previous direction and follow the wooden footbridge (with metal construction) in the slope. Once you are on the asphalt trail, follow it up through the Deer Moat and start to search for the clues.
The Deer Moat Letterbox Hybrid geocache is at:
N 50°05.GFH E 014°23.IDB
To fill in the blanks, you have a set of 9 pictures marked from A to I under the text. You will pass all the objects on the pictures on your way – they are located next to the trail. When you will see and pass the first object and it´s for example on the picture marked H, then H=1, the second object (for example on picture A) will give you A=2, etc. Follow the road up, get all the clues, calculate the coordinates and find the cache :)
The whole trail is about 1 km long. The cache is at the public place, but nearby is the military area, so be very careful when searching.
The important note: the area is open only from April to October from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through the summer tourist season!!!
Letterboxing je hra podobna geocachingu, ale namiesto GPS technologie pouziva napovedu v podobe instrukcii. V nadobke je ulozene razitko a myslienkou hry je, ze kazdy hladac nosi pri sebe svoje osobne razitko so zositom, otiskne svoje razitko do logbooku v nadobke a otiskne razitko z nadobky do svojho zosita a vytvara si tak zbierku razitok.
Tato cache je hybridom, je aj letterboxom (prihlasenym v hre letterboxing) a zaroven geocache. Po ceste musite ziskat indicie, ktore vas privedu ku geocache. V nadobke najdete logbook, inkoust, polstarek pro razitka a specialne razitko – NIE SU NA VYMENU – neberte ich. Najdete tam aj niekolko inych predmetov na vymenu. Ak mate svoje vlastne razitko, otisknite ho k logu do logbooku. Ak nemate vlastne razitko, v cache je cierna fixa, vytvorte do logbooku navrh svojho razitka, pripadne otisknite do logbooku svoj palec namoceny do inkoustu :)
V letterboxingu existuju dva druhy razitok – vyrobene komercne alebo rucne. Je osobnou a umeleckou volbou kazdeho letterboxera, ktory druh pouziva. Ovela viac su vsak cenene rucne vyrobene razitka. V tejto letterbox hybrid geocache najdete razitko, ktore som osobne vyrobil - vyrezal z gumy, s obrazkom uzko suvisiacim s lokalitou tejto cache :) Ak zbierate razitka, mozete si ho otisknut do vasho zositka. Ak nezbierate, mozete si ho otisknut napr. na papier a bude vam pripominat tuto cache :)
Viac informacii o letterboxingu najdete na adrese
Tato hybridna geocache vam ukaze Jeleni prikop, nadhernu a kludnu lokalitu nedaleko Prazskeho hradu. Viac informacii o Jelenom prikope najdete tu.
Hladat zacnite na vyssie uvedenych suradniciach.
Ak ste tam, vidite pred sebou chodnik vyznaceny v trave velkymi kamenmi zapustenymi v zemi. Chodte po nom (po pravej strane budete mat tramvaje). Ked pridete k malym schodom, vyjdite po nich a pokracujte po drevenej lavke v svahu s konstrukciou zo zeleznych rurok. Pridete na normalnu cestu v strede prikopu. Pokracujte po mierne stupajucej ceste Jelenim prikopem a zacnite hladat indicie.
Letterbox Hybrid Geocache sa nachadza na suradniciach:
N 50°05.GFH E 014°23.IDB
Aby ste doplnili spravne cislice, k dispozicii mate pod textom sadu 9 fotografii oznacenych A az I. Ked budete pokracovat po ceste prikopem, postupne uvidite pri ceste vsetky objekty na fotografiach. Ak uvidite ako prvy napriklad objekt na fotografii H, tak priradte H=1, ak bude druhy objekt, okolo ktoreho pojdete, na fotografii A, tak A=2, atd. Pokracujte po ceste Jelenim prikopem, pokial nepozbierate vsetky indicie, potom dosadte cisla za pismena a mozete hladat cache :)
Cela trasa je dlha priblizne 1 km. Pozor, cache je na verejne pristupnom mieste, ale vedla je vojenske pasmo, takze budte mimoriadne opatrni pri hladani cache.
Dolezite upozornenie: Jeleni prikop je otvoreny pre verejnost len cez letnu turisticku sezonu od zaciatku dubna do konca rijna od 10.00 do 18.00!!!