Letohradek Hvezda. Foto: Ponik & team, cervenec 2006.
Na misto se nejsnaze dostanete tramvaji c. 1, 2, 18 (az na konecnou - Petriny); pak jeste 1250 m pesky. Nebo tramvaji c. 15, 22, 25 (zastavka Vypich); odtamtud 1600 m pesky k cachi. Po parku se da jet i na kole, ale poslednich 100 m se bez nej budete muset obejit. Teren kolem skryse je prikry, dobre se na to obujte.
You can get there by tram No 1, 2, 18 (to the final stop - Petriny); then 1250 m by foot to the cache. Or by tram No 15, 22, 25 (Vypich stop); then 1600 m walk to the cache. Riding a bike is also possible, but you should leave it about 100 m from cache. The terrain around cache is steep, so put on good shoes.