Boudo, budko, kdopak v tobe prebyva? Traditional Cache
Boudo, budko, kdopak v tobe prebyva?
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Kdyz uz budete na prohlídce hradu Lukova, urcite se projdete kousek lesem i na Pradla. A nezapomente s sebou vzit i nějake ptaci zobani!
Tato kes Vas zavede na samotu Pradla, ktera se nachazi kousek od hradu Lukova. Tuto chalupu ma od jara 2012 pronajatou prave Klub pratel Lukova a jeho clenove ji za pomoci několika místních pomalu spolecnymi silami opravuji a zvelebuji, aby toto místo mohlo slouzit jako základna pro poradani brontosaurich vikendovek a taboru.
Keska byla zalozena na stejnojmenne vikendovce, kterou poradal Zakladni clanek Hnuti Brontosaurus - Klub pratel Lukova ( Cilem teto vikendovky bylo postaveni a vyveseni budek pro ptaky, vysazeni keru jerabu ptaciho, bezu obecneho a hlohu obecneho. Proste jsme se snazili pomoci nasim ptacim kamaradum usnadnit jejich nelehky ptaci zivot zajistenim bydleni a zvysenim mnozstvi potravy, kterou by mohli nalezt v okoli svych novych domovu. Jednou z dalsich moznosti, jak ptakum pomoci je prave geokrmitko, ktere jsme spolecne na Pradlech umistili ( a za jehoz vyrobu dekujeme Davidovi :-) ). Proto Vas prosime, abyste s sebou vzali i nejakou vhodnou potravu do krmítka.
Co do krmitka patri:
- semena (slunecnice, proso, konopi, lnene seminko, repka)
- drcena jadra vlasskych a liskovych orechu
- v obchodech lze zakoupit primo specialni michane smesi pro krmeni ptaku
- na hacek umisteny na krmitku muzete zavesit luj nebo lojove koule
Co do krmitka rozhodne nepatri:
- zbytky z kuchyne
- slane potraviny
- prepaleny tuk
- zkazene potraviny
Odmenou Vam pak bude vesele ptaci prozpevovani.
Kdo chcete, muze si z kesky vzit letacek, z ktereho se dozvite zajimavosti nejen o prikrmovani ptaku, ale i o stavbe budek a krmitek. Pak si sami doma budete moct nejakou budku ci krmitko vyrobit a pozvat tak ptaky i k vam na zahradu.
Cestou od kese se pak muzete pokusit najit nektere nami vyvesene budky a podivat se a popripade i vyfotit jejich nove majitele.
Uspesny odlov preji Brontosauri!
Where do all the birdies go? I know, I know!
When you go hunting for this cache, you will discover an ancient, isolated cottage called Prádla (”Laundry“) nearby the Lukov castle. Since spring 2012, the cottage has been leased to the Lukov Castle Friends Club and the club members are working together step by step to make the necessary repairs and improvements so that the place can provide a welcoming background for weekend events and summer camps organised by Brontosaurus, a protectionist and conservationist volunteer movement of which the Club is a part.
The cache was created at a weekend event of the Lukov Castle Friends Club ( Our task during the weekend was to build and hang out nest boxes for birds and to plant rowans, black elders and hawthorns, simply to help our bird friends and make their life easier by providing homes for them with food all around. And not only that. Just to support birdlife in the area even more, we placed a geo-feeder in Prádla. So please, take some bird food with you when you go hunting for the cache.
What is good for the birds:
- seeds (sunflower, millet, hemp seeds, linseed, rape-seed)
- crushed walnuts and hazelnuts
- ready-made feeding mixtures are available on the market
- suet or balls of suet with seeds and nuts can be hung on the hook at the feeder
What will not do the birds good for sure:
- kitchen scraps
- salty food
- burnt fat from frying
- decayed food
The birds will reward you with merry singing and chirping. J
Leaflets are provided in the geocache for everyone who may be interested. Take one and read about bird feeding or how to make your own nest box or a feeder. The information will help you attract birds to your own garden or any favourite place where you would like to enjoy them.
On the way back, you may like to look for some of the nest boxes we placed all around, watch their inhabitants and perhaps make a photo of them.
Good hunt!
Yours Brontosaurus
Additional Hints
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