The Prachov Rocks
The natural reservation "Prachovske skaly" (Prachov Rocks) belongs to the best known rock areas of the Czech Republic and it is one of our oldest.
It is situated about 6km west from Jicin and it has carefully marked paths and great viewpoints for visitors to enjoy beautiful views not only at the rock town but even further.
The geological history of the Prachov rocks is truly varied. The basics for today's scenery were founded millions of years ago during the Mesozoic era - particularly in its last period called Cretaceous Era.
The floors of European sees were sludged with white segments and one of the world's largest flooding, called Cenoman flooding occured.
The powerful tectonic powers later elevated the whole region, the flood receded and the see floor divided into many individual tables that gave ground to the jewels of the country today (e.g. Prachovske skaly/Prachov Rocks, Suche skaly/Dry rocks, Hruboskalsko, Prihrazy and more).
The gradual erosion created characteristic and unique rock towns with high towers and deep ravines. You can find various caverns, niches and caves at the bottom of the rocks.
The region is much-frequented not only by tourists but also by rock-climbers that can enjoy number of climbing paths from the easiest to the most complicated. That's why I also prepared one question dedicated to rock-climbing.
The conditions of logging this cache are: to answer a few questions that should not be very difficult and send the answers to my profile and also add your picture at the starting coordinates to the log. There are more paths that can lead you there, I will not describe them in detail and leave to it each of you to find your own way. You can park your car at several locations (see waypoints), I strongly advise you not to park anywhere else - you will end up paying penalty fees!!!
Who does not enjoy the crowds of tourists, should come in the early morning or late evening hours like me - the rocks are most beautiful at those times.
I wish you a nice trip
The tasks and questions you need to answer:
1. In which period of the Cretaceous Era were the Prachov Rocks developed?
2. In which year was the Prachov Rocks state nature reservation founded?
3. What is the composition of sandstone? (In general)
4. Which rock forms can be found at the place?
5. One of the many towers is called similar way like a head cover. There is another tower a few meters higher connected directly to this one - send me both names of the towers. (Both are directly visible from the starting coordinates and there are the hardest rock-climbing paths on them.)
6. How many view-points can you visit in Prachov Rocks and what is the name of the viewpoint at the starting coordinates?
7. Add picture of you and your GPS at the viewpoint.
Za fundovany preklad pro prespolni dekuji kamaradum H+ a Alce.
Prachovske skaly
Prirodni rezervace Prachovske skaly patri k nejznamejsim skalnim oblastem Ceske republiky a je jednou z nejstarsich vyhlasenych rezervaci vubec. Nachazi se asi 6km zapadne od Jicina a je propletena mnoha znacenymi cestami a ozdobena nekolika vyhlidkami, ze kterych se navstevnikum naskytaji kouzelne pohledy nejen na mistni skalni mesto, ale i do dalekeho okoli.
Geologicka minulost Prachovských skal je pomerne pestra. Zaklady pro dnesni vzhled krajiny byly polozeny pred mnoha miliony let v davnem obdobi druhohor, konkretne v jejich posledni casti, která se nazyva krida. Na dnech evropskych mori se usazovaly bile sedimenty, doslo k jedne z nejvetsich potop sveta, oznacovanou jako cenomanska zaplava. Mohutnymi tektonickymi silami byla cela oblast pozdeji vyzdvizena, zaplava ustoupila a morske dno se rozdelilo na radu samostatnych tabuli, ktere daly zaklad dnesnim klenotum Ceske republiky. (krome Prachovskych skal to byly Suche skaly, Hruboskalsko, Prihrazy a další…) Postupnou erozi vznikala charakteristicka a ve svete ojedinela skalni mesta s vysokymi vezemi a hlubokymi strzemi. Na upati skal lze obcas objevit ruzne prohlubne, vyklenky, ci jeskyne.
Oblast je hojne navstevovana nejen turisty, ale i horolezci, pro ktere je tady pripraveno nespocet lezeckych cest od tech nejjednodussich az po nejtezsi. I proto jsem mezi otazky zaradil jednu, venovanou primo lezeni.
Podminkou vaseho logu je zodpovedet nekolik ne snad tezkych otazek a poslat je na muj profil, dale pak prilozit foto na vychozich souradnicich. Jelikoz sem vede nekolik pristupovych cest, nebudu je konkretne popisovat a necham na kazdem, kudy sem dojde. Parkovat je mozne na nekolika mistech (viz waypointy) Radim neparkovat jinde - usetrite za pokuty!!!
Kdo nema rad davy turistu, at se sem vyda casne rano nebo pozde odpoledne tak jako ja - v tuto dobu je tady naprosty klid a vy si tak budete moci nerusene vychutnat krasy toho, co pro nas pred mnoha a mnoha lety priroda vytvorila.
Nakonec bych jeste rad upozornil, ze se budete pohybovat na uzemi statni prirodni rezervace, kde jsou jasne stanovena pravidla chovani a pohybu.
Ridte se proto jimi!!!
Preji krasny vylet.
1) Ve kterem stupni kridy vznikly Prachovske skaly?
2) Ve kterem roce byla vyhlasena statni prirodni rezervace Prachovske skaly?
3) Jake je slozeni piskovce? (obecne)
4) Ktere skalni formy se zde vyskytuji?
5) Jedna z mnoha skalnich vezi se jmenuje stejne jako pokryvka hlavy. Hned na ni je nalepena dalsi znama vez, ktera tu prvni o nekolik metru prevysuje - napiste nazvy obou vezi. (obe uvidite z mista vychozich souradnic a vedou na ne cesty s nejvyssi lezeckou obtiznosti)
6) Kolik je mozne v Prachovskych skalach navstivit vyhlidek a jak se jmenuje ta, na kterou vas dovedou vychozi souradnice?
7) K logu prilozte foto vas s GPSkou na vyhlidce (neni povinne, ale budu rad za pekne obrazky)