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Rohanova cache Traditional Cache

Hidden : 4/13/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Jednoducha cache pro pesi, cyklo a moto turisty

Rohanova cache

Lesni putovani s Rohanem

Naucna stezka vedouci v blizkosti zameckeho parku Sychrov.
Delka trasy: 1,8 km
Prubeh trasy: od zamku Sychrov - 6 stanovist
Popis trasy: Nova naucna stezka byla otevrena v srpnu 2008 v blizkosti zameckeho parku Sychrov. Trasa vede po pesinach, ktere vznikly v 19. stoleti, v dobe, kdy na zamku panoval Kamil Rohan. Stezka vedouci lesy, ktere se od zamku svazuji do údoli reky Mohelky, meri 1,8 km a je na ni 6 stanovist. Na stezku vede znaceni primo z parkoviste pred zamkem Sychrov. Prvni zastaveni stezky se nachazi za hotelem Sychrov.
Soucasti naucne stezky je take lesni altan, ktery byl zrenovovan podle puvodni obrazove dokumentace. Dale byla v ramci budovani stezky zrekonstruovana zulova pyramida pripominajici navstevu Frantiska Josefa I. na zamku Sychrov. Naucna stezka ma verejnost seznamit s historickymi zajimavostmi mistnich lesu, s peci lesniku, kterou jim po dlouha desetileti venuji, ale take se zakonitostmi fungovani lesniho ekosystemu.


En.:Simple cache for pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles tourists

Rohanová cache

Wood trip to Rohan

Nature trail head in the vicinity of the castle park Sychrov.
Length of the route: 1.8 km
The route: from the castle Sychrov - 6 post
Description of the route: New nature trail was opened in August 2008 in the vicinity of the castle park Sychrov. The trail leads along paths that arose in the 19th century, when the castle was Kamil Rohan. The trail head of forests, from the castle which is tied into the valley of the river Mohelka measured 1.8 kilometers and it is 6 units. Labeling the path leads directly from the parking in front of the castle Sychrov. First stop the trail is located behind the hotel Sychrov.
A part of nature trail is also Lesni Altan, who was renovated the original image file. Dale was in the case of paths reconstructed granite pyramid reminiscent of visiting Francis Joseph I at the Chateau Sychrov. Nature trail to familiarize the public with historical points of interest to local forests, foresters furnace to them for many decades venue, but also with the laws of functioning forest ecosystem.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fgny gnz fgebz / Gurer jnf n gerr

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)