Tato multicache vás provede nekolika zajímavými místy mesta Jindrichuv Hradec. Na jeji zvladnuti by mela stacit hodina.
STAGE 1, N49° 08.986' E15° 00.332' - Kostel Nejsvetejsí trojice
Nalevo od kostela se nachazi seda stavba se ctyrmi sloupy. Zde Vás bude zajímat velký nápis za sloupy a 4 zlatá písmena na stítu. Zapiste si je (18 + 4 písmen).
STAGE 2, N49° 08.724' E15° 00.020' - Husovy sady
Na samém konci parku se nachází socha Mistra Jana Husa. Opiste si kdo ji zhotovil a z jakeho mesta byl. Zapiste si je (12 pismen).
STAGE 3, N49° 08.660' E15° 00.090' - Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie
Nalevo od vchodu do kostela je kríz se zlatým nápisem, ten si opiste (7 pismen).
Napravo od vchodu do kostela je deska upozornující na pruchod 15-tého poledníku. Ti co drzí GPS v ruce vedí, ze je to trochu jinak:-) Podívejte se pod desku na zem a opiste si první slovo z dlouhé rady slov (8 písmen).
STAGE 4, N49° 08.616' E15° 00.180' - Sousosí na Namestí míru
Najdete svateho, který má v ruce retez. Opiste si vsechny zlatá písmena pod ním (10 písmen).
STAGE 5, N49° 08.534' E15° 00.220' - Most pres Vajgar
Zde najdete starou kovovou cedulku. Opiste si poslední rádku (8 písmen).
Vsechna ziskaná slova si zapiste za sebe, celkem budou obsahovat 67 písmen. Sectete kolikrát jsou jednotlivá písmena obsazena ve slovech a dosad císla do vzorce pro výpocet souradnic.
Napríklad slovo GEOCACHING: G=2, E=1, O=1, C=2...
N49° 08.(C)(R+J)(S)'
E15° 00.(X+D)(A+B+J)(R)'
An urban multicache wants to show to you couple of interesting places of historic town Jindrichuv Hradec. One hour would be enough for the finishing of all geotasks...
STAGE 1, N49° 08.986' E15° 00.332' - Holy Trinity Church (Nejsvetejsí trojice)
Left on the church you will find structure with four columns. Look for big lettering behing the columns an four gold characters on the gable wall. Write down 18 + 4 characters.
STAGE 2, N49° 08.724' E15° 00.020' - Jan Hus Gardens (Husovy sady)
At the end of the Gardens (park) stands a statue of Mister Jan Hus. Look for the sculptor's name and the town of his origin. Write down 12 characters.
STAGE 3, N49° 08.660' E15° 00.090' - Assumption of Mary Church (Nanebevzetí Panny Marie)
>Left on the church you will find a sross witj golden lettering, write down 7 characters.
Right on the church you will find a tablet with notice that 15th meridian passing that place (reality with GPS in hands is slightly different...). Look to ground under the tablet and write down the first word from the long sentence... (8 characters).
STAGE 4, N49° 08.616' E15° 00.180' - Sculpture on Peace Square (Námestí míru)
Look for saint withchain in the hand. Write down all gold characters under him (10 characters).
STAGE 5, N49° 08.534' E15° 00.220' - Vajgar Lake Bridge
Old metal tag (plaque) can be seen there... Write down 8 characters of the last text line of this plaque.
All obtained letter write in one line, you will have "mega-word" with 67 characters. Count the occurrence of individual characters in this "super-word" and use these numbers for final calculation of the cache coordinates.
Example in word GEOCACHING: G=2, E=1, O=1, C=2...
N49° 08.(C)(R+J)(S)'
E15° 00.(X+D)(A+B+J)(R)'