A cache hidden just off to the side of Makara Road. The drive down this road provides you with spectaular views down the valley and out towards the West Wind Recreation Area.
Makara is a small settlement to the west of Wellington. It has a popuation of roughly 759 people (as of 2006). Small scale gold mining was done there in the nineteenth century but no large workable deposits were found.
The best way of acessing this cache is to be travelling up the road towards Karori. This is to avoid having to cross the centre line on a difficult to see around corner. When travelling from Karori, it is recommended to turn around at the Makara Cemetery. Make sure your vehicle is parked wll of the road to avoid an accident.
You must sign the logbook for each individual cacher or your log may get deleted. BYOP.
Cache is an eclipse container wrapped in black tape.