and fire.......Roxburgh Otago Traditional Cache
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and fire.......Roxburgh Otago
Size:  (micro)
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A site just waiting for a cache to placed here. It is not quite real but certainly gives the impression and the name of the cache surely predicts the hide.
and SHORTEN the time you may spend searching, read the story below
Now to the story- THE BATTLE OF BRANXHOLM '50. As the C 'SQUADRON' arrived at the bend in the road near GZ -the chosen place to to gather before being given the final instructions for the Assault on the deadly weapon on the rise above the famous village of Roxbugh,- the Commanding officer studied the offending weapon up ahead on the rise and then gave the orders to approach and disarm this canon.They were told to approach the artillery from the left and to endeavour to stay out of the direct firing line as they went up the road as there was very little cover to give protection. They were told the firing range of this weapon is about 80-100m and to disarm any guards manning the gun, but preferably not to kill them as they could give valuable information in regards to the history and the loading and firing of this unusual weapon. Once the guards are overpowered their next task was to quickly unload the weapon , sign off their task and then leave the scene exactly as it appeared.
The object is 'private' property but GZ is not. The owners are fully aware of the placement and as they have a dog, it is suggested that this is NOT attempted after dark. Please respect this. At GZ you will find the "predicted" object! Go to it.
The cache is a pill bottle strategically placed! Ready to fire. it containers a log, and you need to bring your own writing tool. No room for TB or coin. s
Additional Hints
Orjner lbh ner ragrevat rarzl greevgbel naq lbh jvyy or va qverpg svevat yvar bs gur cbfvgviryl ybnqrq negvyyrel. Qbag gnxr furygre va cevingr cebcregl, lbh znl or grzcgrq! Ybbx hc gur fyvtug evfr, fvtug gur tha, ohg fgnl bhg bs svevat yvar!