Ludmilla, as a suburb, obtained its name from Ludmilla Creek. The suburb is believed to have been named after Ludmilla Holtze by Gustav Sabine, who was a Government Surveyor, and who carried out a survey of that particular area in 1893. As the name did not appear on any maps prior to this survey it is pretty certain to have been Gustav Sabine (Sabine Road, Millner).
Not very much is known about Ludmilla Holtze herself, other than Ludmilla Creek in Darwin was named after her. She migrated to Australia from Hanover in 1872, together with her father (Maurice), mother (Evlampia) and three brothers (Nicholas, Alexis and Waldemir).
Maurice Holtze was a Government Gardener (1878–1891) and was responsible for the development of the cultivation of plants in Palmerston (Darwin).
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