A Brick in the Wall (Otago) Traditional Cache
kyladave: Visited site and discovered that it has been demolished thus the cache also destroyed as a result :-(
A Brick in the Wall (Otago)
Size:  (small)
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This is our first cache, hidden in a popular recreation area in Dunedin City, although out of the way. This cache is easily accessible with flat graveled paths most of the way. Parking is best at Booth Road but there are several other entrances to the reserve.
The cache is in a 200ml camo painted sistema snap lock container. Although located near a lake there is no need to get wet. Accuracy is 4m.
When hidden the cache contained:
A Yellow Fluffy Chicken
Small Bag
NZ Half Penny
The cache is hidden above ground level.
Additional Hints
Jbbqra nepu