Malanda Falling Traditional Cache
Danielc: Hello fellow cachers.
It is with considerable sadness that I have decided to archive this cache. It has been one of my favourites. To give a bit of the history of the cache. It was one of the first of my hides back when National Parks were welcoming human users of the land under their control. This was in 2007. It ran well for some time. Then, in 2013 it went missing. I replaced it. Again it ran smoothly until there came the extraordinary log of "Adventurer" which didn't seem possible. ( if you read the log you will see why). I went out and Lo-and-behold the old cache had been returned. There were two caches there. I was going to bring one away and then I thought, "Hold on. Why not leave them both? Finders will stop looking as soon as they locate one and will sign it and probably never know there was another". I put one at each end of the viewing platform and left them there. It worked well.
Now both have fallen foul of muggles. I fear any replacements will suffer the same fate, and, being National Parks I cannot easily relocate the cache. Hence its "Good-bye" to this one.
Size:  (small)
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Near the Town of Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands. Park at S 17º 21.313' E 145º 35.157'
Contents. Besides log book and pencils, there is, a toy police rescue car, a pack of adhesive gemstones, one gold crystals temptations wizard, one plastic spider, one model cat, tuppence halfpenny, and a First Time Finder’s trophy.
The cache is a white plastic box. This is hidden along a walking track. I have deliberately kept it close to the track because the surrounding rainforest, after having its canopy opened up by cyclone Larry is thick with Gympie Stinging trees. This is a lovely, well maintained walk, but please do not wander off it. The canopy is still thick enough to give GPSs problems, so the clue is most important.
Additional Hints
Jura lbh frr ththyn, ybbx qbja haqre