Z celé doktorovy osobnosti vyzaroval
vážný klid. Nikomu ani nenapadlo, že by
mohl být nástrojem treba i
nejnevinnejší šalby.
Volání hurá a potlesk ustaly až ve
chvíli, kdy si doktor Fergusson ladným pohybem ruky
vyžádal ticho. Zamíril k pripravenému
kreslu. Pak, nehybne vzprímen, s energickým pohledem,
zdvihl ukazovácek pravé ruky, otevrel ústa a
rekl jediné slovo:
Jules Verne: Pet nedel v balónu (1863)
V blízkosti se mužete kochat vyhlídkou
(N49°13,402' E16°29,760'), zapálit svícku
(N49°13,404' E16°29,483') a prohlédnout si
bizarní znacku (N49°13,726' E16°29,262'). Krabicka
má rozmery 7,5×7,5×7,5 cm.
A calm gravity seemed to surround the doctor's entire person,
and no one would dream that he could become the agent of any
mystification, however harmless.
Hence, the applause that greeted him at the outset continued
until he, with a friendly gesture, claimed silence on his own
behalf. He stepped toward the seat that had been prepared for him
on his presentation, and then, standing erect and motionless, he,
with a determined glance, pointed his right forefinger upward, and
pronounced aloud the single word--
Jules Verne: Five Weeks in a Baloon (1863)
Nearby you can visit an outlook (N49°13,402'
E16°29,760'), light a candle (N49°13,404' E16°29,483')
and watch bizarre sign (N49°13,726' E16°29,262'). Box is
7,5×7,5×7,5 cm.