10 Redwood Caches! #3: Orchard Detour Traditional Cache
10 Redwood Caches! #3: Orchard Detour
Size:  (small)
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The third of ten caches that were placed in honor of 10 years of
geocaching and the 10 Years! event on Sunday May 2 in Redwood
Regional Park
10 Years! Oakland, CA (GC23AG1)
There wasn't poison oak right at the cache, but I'm sure you don't
have to go very far to find some, so please remember, "Leaves of
three, let it be". This is placed off the Stream Trail near the
Orchard picnic area. You should be fairly hidden in this area, so
muggles shouldn't be a problem, but keep an eye out just in case
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)