Parking is available in the village of Newton Linford or in Bradgate Park, where you may find two more caches:
Good Old John by Capcom
Lady Jane Grey's cache by Nottingham Nutters
Some of the approaches to the area are across fields, which may be a little muddy depending on the weather.
One entrance at 52°41.598'N, 1°14.247'W has a small field to cross and then a path by the stream.
1st Clue location 52°41.514'N, 1°14.456'W
When solving this cache you do not need to cross any fences (except via the stiles provided) or leave the well-marked footpaths and their borders. You do not need to enter or even go off the path to obtain the answer to the old building clue.
If you decide to search for the cache in low light or the dark beware that the stile mentioned below has a barbed wire fence to the side that may be difficult to see.
The coordinates will guide you to the first clue at a T-junction of footpaths in Bailey Sim Wood, Leicestershire. The woods form a small part of “The Leicestershire Round” footpath, if you want a longer walk (100 mile round).
At the coordinates you will find a sign and a bridge over the stream. Standing with your back to the bridge the sign points left and right. If you read both halves from left to right you will have three words (word 1, word 2 and word 3). Turn left heading to word 1, before crossing the stile keep checking to your right you will see an old building (Grimmauld Place maybe?). This building has no windows or doors left in place but how many did it have on the wall facing this footpath? (Note do not count the very small rectangle in the stone (just count the ones with bricks up the sides giving an even number). This number is A in the final coordinates.
The following clues are from the words on the sign word1 word 2 and word3. Each letter in the word is numbered from letter 1 the first character of the word and then each letter is given a number a is 1, b is 2 etc to z is 26.
Note that the upper case letters used in the calculations are the numeric answers you have already calculated.
B=(word 1 letter 2)
C=(word 1 last letter)
D= (word 2 letter 5) / 4
E =(word 2 letter 2) – B
F=(word 3 letter 1) / 2
G=(word 3 letter 3) / (word 3 letter 4) * E
H=(word 1 letter 2 ) / (word 2 letter 3 )
I=(The number of letters in word 3) * 2
Optional check:- if you total A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I and then add all the digits in the answer together you should get the number of letters in word 3.
If for example the total were 42 then you would add 4+2 to get 6 if that matched the number of letters in word 3 then you can start walking.
The cache coordinates are 52°AB.CDE' N, 1°1F.GHI' W
I saw only a few Muggles in the area when planting the cache. The cache is close to the path and has a good view both ways of approaching Muggles. So some stealth may be required when accessing the cache.