Templul Ursitelor - The Hidden Temple Traditional Cache
Harabeck: Maintenance on terrain.
Templul Ursitelor - The Hidden Temple
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Templul Ursitelor - The Hidden Temple
“Templul Ursitelor”: se afla sub Dealul Plesu, din apropierea satului Sinca Veche. Se zice ca cine doarme macar si cateva minute in templu sau in apropierea lui capata forte noi si devine mai puternic.
Locasul de cult din Sinca Veche se banuieste ca are o vechime de aproximativ 7.000 de ani si se presupune ca ar fi apartinut aceleiasi civilizatii care a întemeiat "Templul Alb" din Insula Serpilor.
Grota, scobita in gresie la poalele dealului, impresioneaza ochiul prin forma ei stranie. Locul este impodobit cu icoane, flori de munte si candele care nu apuca sa se stinga niciodata.
In vechime, Grota Ursitelor a fost folosita ca loc de refugiu si rugaciune pentru calugarii ardeleni haituiti de Maria Tereza si obligati sa treaca la catolicism.
Nimeni nu mai stie cine a sapat, cine s-a rugat ori cine a slujit in biserica de piatra. Cat din povestea de la Sinca Veche e adevar si cat fictiune? Poate nici nu e cazul sa cautam un raspuns.
De ramas, atat a ramas: un templu cu doua altare sapate in inima stancilor, poate mai batran decat crestinismul si unde se petrec lucruri stranii. Poate ca e acolo o poarta catre alte lumi, poate sa fie semnul unei divinitati pagane, niste urme miraculoase ori poate un mesaj al vreunui alt univers, poate doar un basm...
Loc de rugaciune predacic? Controversele despre originea templului sunt numeroase. Este acolo o manastire crestina ascunsa, sau un vechi templu dacic ori poate preistoric? Oamenii il considera crestin.
Sa fie vorba de ruinele unei asezari dacice? Cel mai ciudat lucru din ”Biserica cu doua altare” de la Sinca este simbolul cioplit in locul cel mai indepartat de intrare, un loc unde lumina de-abia ajunge.
Straniul simbol, nemaiintalnit nicaieri in aceasta forma, reprezinta steaua cu sase colturi a lui David, avand in mijloc semnul ”Yin - Yang”, semnul filozofiilor Extremului Orient. Oare ce putea insemna aceasta alaturare de simboluri? Caror zei se inchinau constructorii "Templului Ascuns"?
"The Hidden Temple": lies beneath the Plesu Hill near the village Old Sinca. It is said whoever sleeps few minutes in the temple or near his gain new strengths and becomes stronger.
This place of Old Sinca, It is possible to have 7,000 years old and supposedly would have belonged to the same civilization which built the "White Temple" from The Snakes Island.
The cave, digged in stone at the base of the hill, impresses the eye with her strange shape. The place is full with icons, mountain flowers and candles.
With long time ago the cave was used as a hidden shelter and prayer place for the transylvanian monks forced by Queen Maria Tereza to go to Catholicism.
No one knows who dug, who prayed here along the time, who served in the Church of stone. How many of the story from Old Sinca is truth and how fiction? It’s not nesessary to seek an answer.
Now here remains a temple with shrines and a walking in the heart of the stone, a place oldest perhaps than Christianity itself and where strange things are happening. Maybe there is a gateway to other worlds, may be the sign of the pagan deities, some traces of the miraculous times, can be a message of any other universe, maybe just a fairy tale...
Pre Dacian place of pray? The contradiction about the origin of this temple are numerous. Is there a hidden Christian monastery, or maybe a Dacian prehistorical temple,? The people considered it Christian.
The most strangest thing in "Church with two altars" from Old Sinca is a symbol carved into the stone, in a place where light barely reach.
The strange symbol, unique in the world in this form, represents star of David with six pointed, central with the "Yin-Yang" symbol. What could mean this new (or old) symbols? To what god prayed the builders of "The Hidden Temple"?
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